Friday, July 25, 2008

Clearance, Clearance , Clearance!

Thursday Me, Kylah, Summer, Addie, Kelsie, and Susan all went shopping out west!
Thank you Kelsie for being such a good helper!

The girls riding!
Kylah didn't cry once in the car! She likes Aunt Susan's truck, she could see out! I told her not to get any ideas....I'm not getting an suv! Summer told me I should put up a picture of me to have her look at while she is in my car, I think I will try it!
Addie thinking "why does this woman keep taking pictures of me!"
This is Kylah's new wardrobe! Thanks Grammy Di and Aunt Susan for all Kylah's new clothes!
Turn your TV down, tell everyone around to be quiet to try and hear Addie snoring!! I thought it was so cute! She is just such a peaceful sleeper...she snores!

3 Comment on Kylah's Blog:

Anonymous said...

That STACK of clothes cracks me up!! That's the only way to do it!!
I can't wait to see her in them :))

Anonymous said...

That comment is mine. Kuckie 4 got to leave her name!!

Mindy said...

I can hear Addie snoring!!! LOVE IT!!!