Monday, October 27, 2008


Summer Lane tagged me so I have to post the 6th picture in my 6th folder. This is Summer Pickel putting make-up on Mindy the day of my wedding!! So, now I TAG BECKY!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

6 month pics

Mike and I took Kylah to have her 6 month pictures made. These are just a few of 108 great pictures. We both had a had time choosing! Mike especially!

Fun Weekend!

Saturday GiGi and Papa came in for a visit from Nashville. We were going to Fall Festival at church Saturday night so I put Kylah in her Snow White costume (Kaitlyn wore it for her first Halloween)!
Ally was like why is Kylah so dressed up!!!
Gigi with Kylah! Thanks for coming to see us!! We had a great weekend!
Standing up almost by herself, just with me holding one hand!
She made such a cute snow white!
We couldn't get the girls to look at the camera at the same time. Addie was Pea in the Pod!!!
Me and Summer thought we would try to get the girls to look. Well, you see it didn't work!
Look how cute she was!

Mike and his baby girl!
This is Addie's cousin Evie in her Elvis costume! So cute!

Monday, October 13, 2008


I cannot believe my baby is 6 months old! Kylah went for her check up on friday and everything looked great! It was another shot visit :(. It was horrible she had to have 4 shots and an oral vaccine, we go back in a month for a booster flu shot. She had a hard time with the shots again. Friday night she couldn't sleep and had a temperature of 100.4. Saturday the temp. went down to 99.6. I wish they didn't bother her so bad. He said she look great!!! Good news. Her developmental test at first was 7 month 1 week old. Well, Mike said she could do something that I circled "no" to. So when we got back in the room we tested her and she did it so the Dr. said she was 8 month 2 week old level. Regardless she is healthy and happy and that is all that matters to me!
Weight= 15.2 35%
Height= 25 in 25%
Head= 41 13%
Mommy I want the camera!
The Dr. suggested I start trying a sippy cup just to get her used to it. Well she did good but only got something out of it once. We will have to keep working it

He also said to try meats now. He said that most people think of meats as later food to start but that is one of the most hypoallergenic food you can eat. Made sense to me how many people do you know that is allergic to chicken? I don't know any! She liked chicken more than green beans!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I have been a little preoccupied lately with my new obsession(to post about later). I have to catch up,so here is tons of new posts!

I know it is dark but this is Kylah crawling the other morning. She gets better every day!

Corn Corn!

We went to the corn maze on sunday with Kaitlyn, Mindy, Grammy , Nana , and Landon! We had a great time!


Michael's cousin Julian is a Junior at Central. We went to his choral concert on Sunday night. It was to benefit a couple people, one was a janitor from the school was really sick and had to leave so they were helping him out and the other was for Ryan McDonald. Kylah was flirting with the man behind us.....I said she better be good we were in church!!!

Ut game

Saturday Mike was taking Tylan to the game and Mindy said Susan had their tickets and weren't going to be using them cause they were leaving for Vegas!!! So me and my friend Teresa went! We had a good time even though Teresa knows very little about football(sorry Teresa). She was in the Carter Band in high school so needless to say she didn't really watch the games! We had great seat too!! Thanks Susan and Gregg for the tickets. Thanks Mindy and Mom for helping with Kylah! Teresa hadn't been to the game since 1997. Michael's little brother Tylan informed he that was the year he was! Thanks for a great trip Teresa!

crazy aunt

I had my spitz neva mole cut out last thursday. I have two stitches and I was supposed to wear this bandages around my ankle to help it heal good. Well Mindy thought it would be funny to put it around Kylah I think that kid could wear anything and she would be cute!

My Sweat Pea!

We have now started on green veggies! So far Kylah likes........

Sweet Potatoes=) Squash =) Carrots=) Apples =)

Pears=) Peas=)
Everything we have tried she likes! Green beans are next .... we will see if this continues!

This was the first time eating peas! I wanted some yucky faces but she never made them! I guess I shouldn't complain , I have a good eater!
She now holds her bottle every time she has it!

Lets start a fire!

I know this is a terrible picture of me but...I wanted to tell yall about the movie night! As most of you might know we won tickets to see Fireproof the movie, from Monica and Tim! We had such a great time at the movies. The movie was very good. I have been able to recommend it to several people that I hear talking about their rocky marriage. I hope that this movie will start a "fire". Meaning I hope the word will spread like a fire and peoples marriages will be saved or their lives will be because of it! Thanks again for the tickets!