Sunday, February 1, 2009

9 month ckeck up

We took Kylah to her 9 month check up on Friday. It was a great visit b/c she is doing so good and NO SHOTS!!! But they did have to check her hematocrit and a lead test. Her hematocrit was great we will have to wait for the lead test. She didn't cry when they pricked her toe but she sure didn't want to fill the tubes.


19 lbs 26 3/4 43

44% 16% 16%
WOW!!! She is now almost 1o months old. I'm so thankful for a happy baby! I couldn't ask for anything else!! She is perfect and happy. We are soooo lucky. So lately little things have been reminding me that my baby is growing up and making me sad. Changing out clothes in her closet to the next size.... Eating 3rd food......talking.....but now Gerber also thinks my kid is growing up. If you know about Gerber they have symbols to help guide you to what your child might be ready to eat. Well they sent me new coupons and Kylah's symbol is not a crawler anymore it is a toddler!!!!! No I don't think of her as a toddler but I guess Gerber does!
She is now playing patty cake......well they way she wants too!!

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