Sunday, June 29, 2008

Party Time at Grammy's

Today was Kaitlyn's Birthday party at Grammy's. Here is Kaitlyn telling us she is 4!

Kaitlyn, Ellie,and Maddie eating lunch.

Landon, Eric, McKenzie, Dakota, and Dalton
Opening presents
Playing with the Barbie Gymnast we got her.

Mike in the pool with the kids!

Okay I have decided that when you are with your family you might as well say goodbye to your kids b/c I hardly ever have her if someone else is around. Which is fine with me. I want Kylah to grow up as close to all her family as I did. It is so important to me. But it is just something I've noticed. So here it starts.....Summie (aka Addie's mommy) and Kylah.
Anna and Kylah....

Papaw Mike and Kylah...
Kuckie and Kylah.... and these are just the ones I got pics of.
Same for Addie...with Nana

Precious baby trying to sleep me the one eye peep!

Kaitlyn turns 4!!

Kaitlyn turned 4 on thursday, so we went to Dollywood with them to celebrate!!! We rode the train.....I don't think I will ride again!
Happy Birthday we love you!!!
Mindy was pouring water on Kaitlyn I loved this face!
Then it got Kelsie!
This was Kylah's first Merry -go- Round ride. She was almost asleep.
Then Chell had to take her.

Chell girl on the carosel!

Sorry Kylah you're too small to ride mystery mine, maybe in a couple years.
Kailtlyn and Mindy about to ride blazing fury. I can't believe Kaitlyn rides it. She also rode Side Winder with Me, Mindy, Kelsie and Chell. She was such a big girl!! Can anyone spot Michelle?
I decided to put Kylah in the sink to cool her off. She didn't like it very much.a> We packed a lunch but decided to eat inside the park so Chell and Kelsie said to eat at Red's. It was good.Mindy was playing with Kylah and it made such a cute picture!
This was the coolest thing. It was 75 tons of sand carved into a train. Mindy said that was Dolly but I said it looked like the woman had dread locks and I don't think Dolly has a wig made of dread locks....but I wouldn't put it passed Dolly!
Kylah loves her snugli, but this was the first time I put her facing out and she loved it!
Kylah did so good at Dollywood this is what she did most of the time.

Sorry if you have a weak stomach. Kelsie Sue had a minor accident at Dollywood. The pavement was cracked and she trip and her flip flop went under her foot and this was the outcome. I didn't know it was this bad when I went to take a picture of it. But she said it was okay to post it. We had to call for first aid to come and help her. When the guy came to help her he decided she needed a frozen lemonade to make her feel better.
So we gave her had time that she just wounded herself so she could get a free $4.00 lemonade. I said "hey times is rough and you gotta do what cha gotta do."
This is Kelsie's rescuer Alfonso, notice him pointing at her foot!

After Dollywood went went to Susan's to drop Kelsie and Chell off. Nana was there and she was talking to Kylah and I thought this was too cute!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Family Time!!

This is our cousin Shamicka. She just wrapped up touring off Broadway in "Chicago." Which we saw in Chattanooga and she was amazing! Micka lives in New York, so we were glad she made it down to see Kylah!
Cousin Jenard also came by to visit.
Cousin Kalin. Thanks fam for the diapers and wipes. Next time you guys can help me put them to use!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

We celebrated Michael's first Father's Day by taking him to Hooters, one of our favorite restaurants! Kylah matched in her orange outfit! Thanks for being such a good Daddy! We love you! Happy Father's Day to PaPa and Papaw Mike which is in Nashville and didn't get to come in , we will see you in a few weeks!

Mike and Kylah
Kylah is her Daddy's princess !!!

After Hooters we went to see Mike's Dad. Kylah is his first grand baby so he is excited when he gets to see her!

With Grandaddy, she looks like a big girl.
Mike's first picture with Kylah!
Playing with Daddy! Almost asleep!
She loves this toy, she just gets in a trance!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


We took Kylah for her 2 month check up on Tuesday, which means shot time. Kylah weighed 11 lbs 10 oz. 22 1/2 in long. She is doing well. We are so thankful for another healthy visit! We talked to the Dr. I swear for 30 minutes on whether or not to spread the shots out or not do the rotto vaccination one. It was all a little overwhelming. Mike said he didn't want to make a bad decision out of fear of the unknown. You just have to trust in the Dr. that they know best and believe that God will take care of them. So we decided on doing all three shots and doing the oral rotto vaccination. I thought I had prepared myself for these shots but I was so wrong. It was an emotion I have never felt before!!!! Personally I wouldn't care if I felt this emotion again.......

This one wasn't bad it was oral and she gulp it down.

Mike said she looked like Rambo!! She has a little head.. only 38 cm, but they say its okay.

This is sad if you don't want to watch it I understand. I know they are doing what they have to give the shots but my goodness! I just wanted to push them out of the way and scream GIVE ME MY BABY!!!



After the shots she was okay once I got her. They told us she might run a low grade fever, sleep a lot, and could be fussy. Well, it didn't start immediately but we had all three. She was one sick baby. She had a temperature wednesday of 101.2. I was so nervous...those of you who know me and Mike we are a little overly cautious if that is possible? But my baby was sick :(. I called the Dr. they said I could finally give her some tylenol, I gave her a cool bath and after a couple of doses of tylenol she started feeling better!!! Thank you God!!!

Aunt Mindy thought Kylah desrved a new toy for being such big girl getting shots. So her and Kaitlyn brought it by last night to let her play with it! It is Discovery Channel toy and it is so cool!! She really likes
Thanks Aunt Mindy for my new toy!! I'm feeling much better now!