Thursday, April 2, 2009


Want to reminisce with Me?
One week from today Kylah will be ONE!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow! I'm definitely having mixed feelings about it. Excited to see her grow and develop her own personality. On the other hand the obvious does bother me.......she IS growing and growing up!

Some of my favorite moments over the past year.

April -Our baby was born on the 9th. A very special day. Kylah was born a year to the day my Uncle Doug passed. No I don't think it was coincidence that she tried to come a few weeks early then decided to stay....Then I had a scheduled delivery date on the 10th....No I don't believe it was coincidence that she came a day early. She was meant to come on THAT day. I hope it makes that day a little easier. If possible.

May- Several exciting things happened this month. Michael graduated college.Kylah met her cousin Addie Pickel, and It was my First Mother's Day!!!!
June -It was Mike's First Father's Day!!! KK's 4th b-day
July- KYLAH STARTED ROLLING OVER, and celebrated her first July 4th.
August- We had a surprise Birthday party for Aunt Susan. We had a family trip to the famous "BIG ROCK".

September- Kylah helped us celebrate our 2nd anniversary.We got Kylah's ears pierced.She also got her first pair of high heels ( thanks to DD). Loved starting real food.

October-WOW she was 6 months then. Went trick or treating with all the family. She also started crawling this month....oh the days.

November-Kylah's first Thanksgiving. She said her first word...DADA. Kylah saw Santa for the first time....which she hated...Easter Bunny is coming soon we will see what she does?

December- One of my favorite months. This started a really fun age. Kylah had her first Christmas.

January- Kylah was trooper for New Years....didn't stay up the whole night but hey. She also got her first two teeth on the way to Nashville. She became a talker more this month too! Took some steps this month.

February-Kylah had her first Valintine...J-Money.She started walking this month....everywhere!!!!

March-She became obsessed with Sesame Street. Unfortunately she got sick for the first time. Finally warmer weather time!

April - So far she has developed into the amazing little girl. She is HAPPY!!!!! That is one thing that you could always say about Kylah...She has been the best, Happiest, perfect ANGEL EVER!!! I can't wait for her Birthday party Sunday.

THANKS FOR READING THIS VERY LONG BLOG FROM A PROUD, SAD, EXCITED, AND VERY VERY THANKFUL MOTHER! It helped me look back at an amazing year the God has blessed us with.

1 Comment on Kylah's Blog:

The Pickels said...

I think I just cried!! We have enjoyed the past year with your precious little blessing! Addie loves her playmate!!